Returns Policy
Items Damaged in Transit
If any items were damaged in transit, we ask that you report it to us within 3 calendar days. If the items are visibly damaged on receipt, signing the carrier's delivery note is best. Items should be returned in their original packaging complete with all accessories and documentation. Once received back into our warehouse, we'll issue a replacement or full refund to you via your original payment method.
Items not up to Standard
If the goods you receive are not up to your standards, we ask that you contact us within 3 calendar days of receipt, ideally with photographs.
In some circumstances, we will request the product be returned to us. Once the item has been returned a refund can be issued to you. It will be up to you to arrange the return of these items with a courier or postal service.
We will then offer a replacement product for this event or another occasion within 3 months. If this proves unacceptable, a full refund will be issued via your original payment method.
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