How to get Tulips back every year?
Are you a big lover of Tulips? WE LOVE THEM in fact we love them so much we want to share our top tips on how to get your tulips to come back every year.
(Be aware this may cause people to stop and admire your garden)
Firstly Tulips are perennial flower which means a tulip should be expected to return and bloom year after year. Most tulip-lovers content themselves with treating it as an annual, re-planting again each fall.
- Dig up the bulbs after the leaves have turned yellow and withered.
- Let then dry before storing them in a dark, cool location such as your garden shed or somewhere they will not be expose to sunlight or garage.
- Once Autumn rolls around again, replant your bulb in your selected bedding location and let nature get to work. In Spring you will have tulips!